Send triggered direct mail postcards using free automation

Available for over 230+ CRMs through a free* Zapier Integration!

Send triggered direct mail postcards using free automation

Available for over 230+ CRMs through a free* Zapier Integration!

*Free version allows up to 100 postcards per month.

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CRM guide

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Direct mail api integration

Example integration uses

Automatically send a postcard to a new entered lead.
Automatically send a postcard to a new contact or new form submission.
Automatically send a welcome postcard to new scheduled appointments.

Per piece pricing when mailing with a Zapier connection

Send triggered 4.25x6 postcards automatically
4.25" x 6" Postcard
$0.86 - First Class Mailing
Standard Mailing Unavailable
Send triggered 6x8.5 postcards automatically
6" x 8.5" Postcard
$0.98 - First Class Mailing
$0.94 - Standard Mailing
Send triggered 6x11 postcards automatically
6" x 11" Postcard
$1.40 - First Class Mailing
$1.02 - Standard Mailing

Template designs available

100s of results-proven designs that are customized for your
brand by our team, or you can provide your own!

Call us today to get started!

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PCM Integrations